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The Groosalugg

Groosalugg - Mark Lutz
Groosalugg is the champion of Pylea. He was supposed to recieve the visions, by mating with Cordelia. Cordelia who was in love with him, left him in charge of Pylea when she left. Later Groosalugg arrived in LA, but after a while he realised Cordelia was in love with Angel and not him, and so he left.


Connor - Vincent Kartheiser

Connor is the son of the vampires Angel and Darla. He was raised by Angel until he was kidnapped by Wesley who was trying to protect him, but who in turn by betrayed by Holtz who then took Connor for revenge against Angel. Holtz then raised Connor as his own in the Hell dimension. Eventually Connor returned from the Hell dimension, now a teenager and looking for revenge against Angel.

Kate Lockley

Kate Lockley-- Elisabeth Rohm


Elisabeth Rohm plays the LA cop, blonde haired Kate Lockley. Not very much is known about Kate at this moment because she has only been in six episodes of Angel. Kate is a police woman and a very good one from what has been seen. She sometimes used to help Angel get information that was needed for a case. Kate's dad died. His name was Trevor and he was killed by vampires which Angel later killed. Kate and her father never really got on very well and she could never talk to him because he was always wrapped up in his police work, that's why she became a cop. Kate found out and knows everything about Angel. This was because of a psycho killer that was copying what Angel had done in the past and Kate found out when Angel and the vampire copy cat were fighting and Angel's vampiric face came on. Kate doesn't really understand and like the situation with Angel and his past though.


The vampire that gave birth to Conner....
Darla  sacrificed  herself  to give birth to Conner....
Darla brought back as a human by Wolfram and Hart  to be told that shes diring ........Angel and Darla made love...So Wolfram and Hart got Druilla  to sire her  but that backfired on them when Darla and Dru killed most of them  leaving just two alive Lindsey and Lilah..Darla  and Dru left LA when Angel trid to burn them....When she came back to LA she was pregnant with Angels baby....

Lilah Morgan

Lilah Morgan  ... Attorney she work she work  way up as most of the members of Wolfman and Hart died when Darla and Dru killed them ..she one of two that came out alive..She carried on being thorn in Angel's side..She made the winning bid for Cordy eyes at the demons auction.... Lilah and Lindsey pay failth to try to kill Angel... She was behind Angel trying to kill his own child by feeding him Conner's own blood.....Later  Lillah was killed by one of Angel's gang and then was beheaded  by Wesley .......

Wolfram & Hart

Linwood Murrow (John Rubinstein) Ý Special Representative of the Senior Partners. Lilah summons Linwood, who is another supervisor in the law firm, upon learning of Darla.Ãs pregnancy. He immediately assumes command of the situation, revealing Wolfram & Hart Ãs plan to dissect both Darla and the baby, and is not shy to make Lilah the scapegoat for the Senior Partners if they fail.

Dr. Fetvanovich (John Durbin)  A specialist in paranormal obstetrics from the Wolfram and Hart satellite office in the Balkans. He walked with an odd scuttle due to his chicken like feet. W&H hired him to extract the baby from Darla's womb. He was killed by Holtz in Angels hotel as he waited to obtain Darla.

Gavin Park (Daniel Dae Kim)  Special Projects Division. Transferred from the Real Estate Division of Wolfram & Hart, Gavin insists on fighting Angel his way by burying him in bureaucratic red tape, raising the question if he has a social security number and other forms of identification. He has informed Angel that Wolfram & Hart is interested in purchasing the Hyperion Hotel once its lease is up, and even had it checked for termites (and bugged).

Holland Manners (Sam Anderson)  Former Vice President of Special Projects, currently deceased. The leader in the resurrection of Darla, Holland been both pleased and disappointed with his prot, Lindsey, Lilah, and Lee. He has gone to the limit of forgiving Lindsey in his conspiracy with Angel and Lilah failed assignment to hire Faith to kill Angel. Be that as it may, he has zero tolerance when it comes to secret negotiations with the competition, which Lee learned the hard way. Holland grisly death at the hands of Darla and Drusilla haven’t stopped him from serving Wolfram & Hart, a contract he tells Angel upon their elevator ride to the “home office" extends well after death.

Lindsey McDonald

Lindsey McDonald

Junior partner at the firm. Lindsey has set a new record for making partner at Wolfram & Hart within 5 years. Lindsey was recruited by the firm while he was a sophomore on a scholarship at Hastings. Lindsey was recognized for his great thinking and willingness to take risk. He put the company on the first place and gave it his all. ....Angel cut Lindsey right hand off in  a battle for the scrolls of Aberjian which was used to raise  Darla.. Who he fell in love ..It became clear that Darla would never return his affections,,,,,,,But a few encounters with Angel made him think about life, and in the end he choose the "good side" and Lindsey desided to leave Wolfram and Hart  and LA to try his luck somewhere else.