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Harmony Kendall was ostensibly Cordelia's best friend
throughout high school . Harmony  only caring
about her appearance and her dating status.
All this changed however, come graduation day. In
order to stop the Mayor from devouring the entire
class of 1999, the Scooby Gang enlisted the help of
most of their fellow pupils, including Harmony.Where
Harmony was made a vampire......

Angel and Cordelia

Cordelia Chase . Cordy ruled her high sclool with her acid  tongue and her wicked fashion sense ...She moved from Sunnydale to LA to look for fame and fortune as an  actor which never got off the ground . ....Desperate for money she started to working for Angel

Doyle and Cordelia

Alan Francis Doyle is human on his mothers side .He never met his father , a Brachen Demon ...He was Angel link  to the powers that be....He was in love with Cordy.....It was love that couldnt be ...As in Hero he died saving  mankind...Sadly Glenn died in 2002 may he be long remembered .....


Conner is Angel's son ... A child born from two vampires Darla And Angel..Darla was forced to commit suicide for him to be born.Holtz decided to steal Connor and plunge into a hell dimension.
Connor was raised by Holtz in a horrid dimension and he called him stephen....
Connor and Cordy Their night of passion had serious repercussions as it brought forth betrayal once again from someone he cared about as well as the arrival of Jasmine, a Goddess from another dimension ..Played by...

Vincent Paul Kartheiser


Cast Pic

Angel (David Boreanaz) , Charles Gunn (J. August Richards), Alexis Denisof (Wesley Wyndam-Pryce ) and Winifred 'Fred' Burkle (Amy Louise Acker )

Lindsey McDonald and Lilah Morgan

Lilah Morgan  ... Attorney she work she work  way up as most of the members of Wolfman and Hart died when Darla and Dru killed them .Lilah and Lindsey pay failth to try to kill Angel..Lindsey  used scrolls of Aberjian to raise  Darla.. Lindsey fell in love with Darla........It became clear that Darla would never return his affections,,,,,,, Lindsey desided to leave Wolfram and Hart  and LA   


Faith (Eliza Dushku) ? A Vampire Slayer. Once an uncomfortable member of Buffy's clique in Sunnydale...She fell into temptations of evil. After killing a human in Sunnydale.....Faith first appeared on Angel in episode 18 of season 1, "5X5". Faith is played by Eliza Dushku when Lindsey hire her to kill Angel Wesley (Alexis Denisof), who still feels responsibility to Faith from being her former Watcher, declares he will stop her from killing  Angel