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Glenn's Bio

Glenn Martin Christopher Francis Quinn was born May 28th 1970 in Co. Dublin and was raised in Cabinteely .Quinn attended Clonkeen  College  in Ireland , He moved to the States . Prior to his role in Angel  he  was best known
as Mark in Roseanne .Although he spent year doing  an  American  accent on Roseanne.he loved the fact that Joss made Doyle Irish when he was cast..Sadly Glenn died in 2002 may he be long remembered .....

Doyle's Bio

Alan Francis Doyle is human on his mothers side .He never met his father , a Brachen Demon , a green spiky Demon .
He was once married  to Harry... He join Angel  as Angel link  to the powers that be
   He got  pictures and sometimes names that come with blinding migraines.He wanted to date Cordy but it was a love that couldnt be .... He died in the ep "Hero" but he died , Cordelia learned he was half Demon ,she that didnt matter to her they exchanged passionate kiss which gave her the gift of the visions before giving his life to save the world......


Robia La Morte

Jenny Calendar -- Robia La Morte

Robia La Morte was born on July 7, 1970 in Queens, NY

Jenny Calendar came to Sunnydale as a computer science teacher, and found herself drafted into the Slayerettes and falling in love with Giles. The technopagan started out with a different agenda, though -- truly named Janna Kalderesh, she was sent by her Gypsy clan to watch Angel, and make sure his curse stayed in place. She failed, through no fault of her own, and was murdered by Angelus trying to make amends. But Jenny's last gift to the Slayer -- and her Watcher -- was the key to stopping Angelus at last.

Joyce Summers.and Tara

Joyce Summers.

Pasted away after being ill for a while. joyce had a tumor in her head and although they thought she was getting better, the doctors weren't able to help her anymore. Joyce was the mother of both Buffy and Dawn Summers and left them behind.

Tara Maclay -- Amber Benson
Despite her family's assertation that she had demon blood, and their

attempts to keep her under their rule, shy Tara struck out on her own,

and struck gold in meeting Willow. Their relationship bloomed as they

began exploring their powers together, and Tara's heart and courage

eventually won her a place in the Scooby Gang (the fact that she was

a kick-ass hereditary witch doesn't hurt). When Willow's magic use

spiralled out of control, Tara unhappily moved out; though they later

reconciled, they had only a day together before Tara was killed in a
