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Dawn Summers

Dawn Summers
Dawn Summers isn't really anyone's love child. Sometimes siblings just appear out of nowhere and come pre-packaged with bogus memories. When the youngest Summers arrived in Sunnydale, she was your typical teen, an obnoxious little monster who spent more time getting under Buffy's skin than actually helping out.
Several months after Dawn's arrival, Buffy and the Scooby Gang discovered her true identity: she's really The Key, an epical powerful energy source transformed into human appearance by benevolent monks. As an average bratty teen, Dawn didn't much like finding out that she was actually a cosmic force. As a matter of fact, she ran away from home. Buffy managed to convince her that they are family regardless of her origin, but their happiness was cut short with the unexpected death of their mother, Joyce.
Shortly thereafter, a nasty and potent Hellgod, Glory, arrived to find the Key and try to use her to open a portal that would release hell on earth. Despite knowing that her sister would be left entirely alone, Buffy sacrificed herself in Dawn's place to prevent the portal from opening. Unable to accept the death of her friend, Willow used her rapidly increasing Wiccan powers to raise her from her grave and bring her back to Sunnydale.
Buffy's return gave Dawn her family back, but her sister's remoteness made Dawn feel neglected and unloved. She began shoplifting, much to the gang's dismay. Even her relationship with Willow was altered forever when the witch took the teen on a wild, magic-addled ride that ended with a car wreck and a broken wrist for Dawn.
A turning point came when Buffy fought the demonic skeletons brought to life by Willow's rage over Tara's death. Dawn began to fight alongside her Slayer sister, and Buffy was amazed at the strength and power the girl suddenly displayed. Together they were victorious, and Buffy gained a new respect for her younger sister, much to Dawn's relief. But now, Dawn must face one of the most hazardous experiences the universe has to offer: high school. Lucky for her she's got the Slayer on her side.

Michelle Trachtenberg Bio

Michelle Trachtenberg portrays Dawn, Buffy's mystery-laden younger sister. Coming into her own as a fledgling member of the Scooby Gang, A native New Yorker, Trachtenberg began her acting career at the age of three when she appeared in her first television commercial. Since then, she has appeared in more than 100 national spots and has had starring roles both in film and on television.  television fans will remember Trachtenberg from her role as the autistic Lily Montgomery on "All My Children," at which time the drama also starred Sarah Michelle Gellar.


The vengeance demon Anyanka, Patron Saint of Scorned Women, has seen a lot of life changes in her 1124 years, but none more than recently. Anya was first cursed by the demon D'Hoffryn for practicing vengeance spells on men. As the story goes, Anyanka first entered Sunnydale to grant Cordelia a wish via her magic necklace. Rather than wish disaster on Xander, Cordy wished that Buffy had never moved to Sunnydale, but the Buffyless Sunnydale turned out to be a chaotic, Vamp-ridden alternate reality. Luckily, Giles destroyed the powerful amulet, wiping out the alternate universe and transforming Anya into a human student at Sunnydale High. The evil D'Hoffryn refused to change her back, and the former demon was left not old enough to buy beer and not bright enough to pass math.
During college, Anya reconnected with the Scooby gang, and wound up falling hard for Xander. The ex-demon's newly acquired humanity brought out a kindness formerly untapped, and her blunt yet honest way of speaking endeared her to Xander and his friends. When Giles departed for England, a delighted Anya took over the Magic Box. Running the store seemed like an excellent venue for Anya to develop her surprising newfound love of accounting. Eventually Xander proposed, and their relationship seemed soliduntil their wedding day. A panicked Xander left Anya at the altar, and in her rage, she returned to the Demon fold.
Anya remains an integral member of the Scooby gang, though her bitterness over Xander's rejection lingers. With her demon powers back in place, there's no telling what wishes Anyanka may grant in the future.

Emma Caulfield Bio

Emma Caulfield portrays Anya, the distinctively droll 1,120-year-old revitalized demon. Stood up at the altar by Xander, she is resisting his efforts at reconciliation, but hasn't been able to wreak any vengeance on him, either. The future of her establishment, The Magic Box, remains in question after it took a severe battering in the season finale.
Born and raised in San Diego, Caulfield began studying drama while still in high school at the La Jolla Playhouse and the renowned Old Globe Theatre, where she won the distinguished honor of "Excellence in Theater Arts." She continued her studies at San Francisco State University and UCLA. After college, she continued her drama studies at TASIS (The American School in Switzerland) in London.
Caulfield's big break came in 1995 when she joined the cast of "Beverly Hills, 90210" as Brandon's (Jason Priestly) journalist girlfriend, Susan Keats.
She stars in the feature film "Don't Peek," a psychological thriller opposite newcomer Chaney Kley, which is scheduled to be released this Christmas.
Caulfield currently lives in Los Angeles.