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Sarah Michelle Gellar .

Born April 14, 1977 in New York City, Sarah Michelle Gellar has become sort of a pseudo 'feminist' for her generation, although she cringes at the word herself. But her role as a beautiful female who kicks ass on television certainly has made herself a role model to her female generation. While many of Gellar's scenes as Buffy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer use stunt double Sophia Crawford, Gellar does carry a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do. Sarah was seen on TV as early as three years old, where she played Valerie Harper's daughter in An Invasion of Privacy, a made for TV movie. At four, she was part of the infamous burger wars playing in a commercial for Burger King which mocked the size of McDonald's burgers. Afterwards, she appeared in scores more commercials, which also helped land her roles in movies like Over The Brooklyn Bridge, Funny Farm, High Stakes, and TV's Spencer for Hire. Further roles include A Woman Named Jackie and Swan's Crossing. At the age of 16, Gellar played as a 22 year old (!) in All My Children. She played as Erica Kane's (Susan Lucci) daughter, and was in a role which had her seduce her stepfather, break up her mother's marriage, shooting people, and faking pregnancies! The role got her something Susan Lucci almost never did, an Emmy in 1994 for Outstanding Younger Actress. Perhaps that award played a role in Lucci's despising of the young star, which comes as a shock since Gellar is supposedly the only person on the All My Children cast which Lucci clashed with.
1996 Brought on her most well known roll, cast as Buffy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which was based on the movie that starred Kristy Swanson. Buffy has become sort of a cult favorite and gets decent ratings despite being relegated to the WB Network. Her starring role has helped her land jobs in I Know What You Did Last Summer and Scream. In 1999 she played in the comedy Simply Irresistible. Its ironic given that Gellar is apparently anything but irresistible according to gossip which suggests she has running feuds with not only Lucci, but Neve Campbell, former lover Matthew Perry, Julia Roberts, and The Spice Girls (we can forgive her for that!). The latest feud apparently exists with fellow WB star Kerri Russell, whom Gellar says she's sick about hearing Russell's story of losing her virginity in the press, a statement we'd wholeheartedly agree with!


Sarah Michelle Gellar

  Alyson Hannigan

Willow Rosenberg on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

In "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," Alyson Hannigan plays a shy wallflower who becomes Buffy's friend and confidante. In real life, Hannigan is a veteran actress who has been performing since the age of four. During the series' hiatus, she filmed the Paramount/MTV Films feature "Dead Man on Campus," starring Tom Everett Scott.

She began her career in Atlanta doing commercials, working steadily in national spots for companies like McDonald's, Six Flags Amusement Parks and Oreo cookies. When Hannigan was 11, she moved to Los Angeles in hopes of breaking into film and television.

Her breakthrough role came when she was cast as Dan Aykroyd's misunderstood daughter in the feature film "My Stepmother Is an Alien." She went on to guest star on a number of popular television shows, including "Picket Fences," "Roseanne" and "Touched by an Angel." She was a recurring guest star on the series "Almost Home" and a series regular on "Free Sprit." In her free time, the Washington, D.C. native and Dr. seuss fan likes to surf the web, practice kick-boxing and spend time with her dogs and cats. She currently resides in Los Angeles.

Nicholas Brendon .

Xander Harris is a sweet, sensitive boy with raging hormones. He's pining away for Buffy, who sees him only as a friend. Gifted with a quick wit, his observations run from profound to ridiculous, but they're always pure Xander.
A relative newcomer to show business, Nicholas Brendon has already amassed an impressive list of credits. His first exposure was on a Clearasil commercial, followed by guest appearances on "Married... With Children" and "Dave's World." Nicholas also starred in a pilot called "Secret Lives." Nicholas' film debut was as a very un-Xander-like bad guy in "Children Of The Corn III." He's also been featured on stage in his native Los Angeles in three theater productions: "The Further Adventures of Tom Sawyer," "My Own Private Hollywood," and "Out of Gas on Lover's Leap." After an acting dry spell, Nicholas decided to try his hand behind the camera, and spent some time working as a television production assistant before landing the role of Xander

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Anthony Stewart Head .

Rupert Giles on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

Anthony Stewart Head has enjoyed a successful acting career in his native England for many years, but it was a popular series of coffee commercials that brought him his greatest recognition in the United States. Head starred as the intriguing romantic lead in a dozen Taster's Choice commercials, each tracing the budding romance between two neighbors who share a love for the same coffee.

Head was a regular cast member on the sci-fi television series "VR.5." He also guest starred on the series "Highlander" and the critically acclaimed police drama "NYPD Blue." Additional credits include the Showtime movie "Royce" with Jim Belushi; and the feature films "A Prayer for the Dying," "Devil's Hill" and "Lady Chatterley's Lover."

He has performed in several BBC Productions, including "Secret Army," "Accident," "Bergerac," "The Grudge Fight," "Howard's Way" and "Pulaski." Head also starred in the British television productions "Enemy at the Door" and "Love in a Cold Climate."

Head was born in Camdentown, England, and grew up in Hampton. He attended the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, and got his first show business break playing Jesus in "Godspell" in the West End. He went on to star in a number of theater productions, including "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," "Julius Caesar," "The Heiress," "Chess," Peter Shaffer's "Yonadab" at the Royal National Theatre, and "Rope." Head divides his time between home in Los Angeles and England.

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Giles and Xander