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Angel bio

Angel Bio
Angel the human was born in 1727 with the name Liam.
Angel the vampire was "born" in 1753, making him 246 or
247 in vamp years (these are the dates given on Angel's
tombstone in flashbacks of the Angel episode "The
Prodigal"). Angel was a bit of a rogue, and a drinker as
well. He was, in fact, out drinking one night when he
encountered Darla, who turned him into a vampire. In
1860, he met Drusilla, killed her family, drove her mad,
and then turned her into a vampire. In 1898, he killed
the daughter of a Romany (Gypsy) tribe, and the tribe
cursed him by restoring his soul; from then on he
suffered with guilt over the acts he had committed as a
vampire. He ended up in New York city in the 1990s, where
a "good" demon, Whistler, found him, took him to LA, and
showed him a girl: Buffy. Angel decided to help the
Slayer, eventually growing close to her and becoming a
useful ally to the Scooby Gang. Buffy and Angel fell in
love, and when they made love on Buffy's seventeenth
birthday, Angel lost his soul again. It turned out the
curse was to be removed if Angel ever experienced a
moment of true happiness. Angelus (his vampiric name)
wreaked havoc on Buffy and the gang, until Willow
succeeded with the spell that would give him his soul
back  too late; Angel had awakened Acathla, who would
suck the world into hell. To prevent it, Buffy had to
send Angel to hell. A few months later Angel was returned
to earth, though not through his own efforts. He and
Buffy eventually got back together, but Angel eventually
realized that she could not live life to her full
potential with him (only going out at night, not being
able to have children, etc.). So, for Buffy's own sake,
Angel broke up with her and left town. He now lives in
Los Angeles, helping the helpless and fighting demons
with the help of Cordelia and Wesley.Now runs Wolfram &

Spike Bio

Spike Bio

Spike is a cocky and witty vamp from 19th century England, Spike

got his former (pre-bloodsucker) name, William the

Bloody, because of his bloody awful poetry. In 1880

the sensitive poet was sired by his Vampire lover

Drusilla and dubbed Spike because of his penchant for

torturing victims with railroad spikes. Spike has

killed two Slayers: one lived during the Boxer

Rebellion; the second was a punk rock kid in New York

whose trench coat has become part of Spike's

Wesley Wyndham-Pryce bio

Wesley Wyndham-Pryce bio

Wesley Wyndham-Pryce was sent to Sunnydale as the
replacement Watcher when Giles was fired. He had little
control over Buffy and lost Faith completely to The
Mayor's team. His Watcher's technique is somewhat
bumbling; his capturing of Faith was marred only slightly
by her escape, and Buffy quit the Council while under his
control. Quite often he had little to contribute to the
gang (his speciality being whimpering when wounded and
screaming like a woman) but his intentions were always
honorable. He enjoyed a brief flirtation with Cordelia
but there were no sparks when they eventually kissed.
After defeating the Mayor-Snake, he was fired from the
Watcher's Council and took up as a Rogue Demon Hunter,
swapping his Watcher's suits for Biker's leather. He
eventually found himself in LA with Angel and Cordelia,
where his sincerity, enthusiasm to help and considerable
research skills won him a place at Angel Investigations
where he helps fight the good fight. His past is fuzzy;
he appears to have had a domineering father who locked
him under the stairs for hours on end and it would appear
that Wesley is trying to make him proud of who he has
become with little success.

Fred Bio

Fred Bio

Fred was studying to be a physicist until she vanished

through a portal in the LA Library. She was enslaved in

the dimension of Pylea for five years. Angel saved Fred

from beheading, and Fred saved Angel from killing his

friends while he was temporarily out of control. She

calculated the mathematics to reopen the dimensional

portal, and went back to LA with Angel and company. She

seemed to have a brief crush on Angel, but after five

years with only Pylean men to look at, who wouldn't?

(Obviously I'm not counting Groosalugg though.) Now head

physicist Wolfram & Hart

Gunn Bio

Charles Gunn Bio
Charles Gunn lived with his sister Alonna for many years
in a shelter on Plummer Street. From a relatively young
age, they begin to fight vampires along with a small
group of other homeless kids. Gunn would always look out
for and protect his sister, but would sometimes get to
involved with his fight against the vampires. In the year
2000, Gunn began a war against a group of vampires led by
Knox. The two groups would often fight, and there were
many casualties on both sides.
During one lookout, Gunn sees the souled vampire Angel,
who was threatening a blackmailer. Gunn mistook him for
an ordinary vampire and tried to kill Angel. The fight
reached Gunn shelter, but Angel stopped fighting when
he realised that Gunn and his group were human.
Even though Angel saved Alonna from a metal bolt, Gunn
doesnt believe that he and Angel are on the same sides.
Soon after Angel has left, Knox leads an ambush against
Gunn and during the struggle, Alonna is kidnapped.
Arriving at the vampires lair, Gunn finds Alonna but she
is now a vampire. Alonna tells Gunn that she is better as
a vampire, and asks him to join her, saying they can stay
together forever. Just as she is about to bite him, Gunn
stakes her. Angel successfully convinces Knox vampires
to stay away from Gunn and his group. Angel realises that
Gunn could be of great help to him in his own fight
against the dark forces and has now begun to rely on his
help. Gunn has since earned a paying job in Angel

The Host

The Host Bio

The Host first appeared in the Teaser of Season Two's opening episode "Judgement".
He is the demon owner of the demon/human Karaoke bar and sanctuary called Caritas.
His lavish singing and flamboyant mannerisms complemented his extravagant persona.
The Host has been termed an Anagogic demon. Initially his powers were vaguely described
as being able to read people's auras while they sing.
He would then consult the client like a demon psychologist
setting them on their anointed paths.

However, the final episodes of Season Two shed light on his background.
His full name is Krevlorneswath (nicknamed Lorne) of the Deathwok Clan.
He is from a different dimension on the rural, primitive world of Pylea. On Pylea demons
rule over their human slaves called "Cows". Lorne's pacifistic nature,
desiring to use his gift to help people rather than track prey,
and his unique ability to hear and sing music set him apart from his combative based world.

One day Lorne randomly stumbled upon a dimensional portal opened from LA by Winifred and wound
up in Los Angeles.
After giving Angel numerous hints and insights, the Host became
a full-fledged member of the squad.
Now he reluctantly follows the crew through their dangerous
 tasks, offering his unique opinions, or a song, along the way.

Harmony Kendall Bio

Harmony Kendall Bio

Harmony Kendall was ostensibly Cordelia's best friend
throughout high school . Harmony was the archetypal
bimbo: blonde, pretty, empty-headed, and only caring
about her appearance and her dating status.
All this changed however, come graduation day. In
order to stop the Mayor from devouring the entire
class of 1999, the Scooby Gang enlisted the help of
most of their fellow pupils, including Harmony.Where
Harmony was made a vampire......She then dated Spike.
Harmony.......Harmony turn up in LA Harmony tried to
offering the gang to a pyramid cult vampire group.She
has taken to working in the Wolfram & Hart steno
pool.When Angel took over Wolfram & Hart she was make
the Keeping Angel's appointment book...

Modify The Text 8

Eve Bio

Eve (Sarah Thompson)

Eve (Sarah Thompson) ~ Eve attended U.C. Santa Cruz before joining Wolfram & Hart
and becoming the new liaison between the Senior Partners and Angel Inc.
 A Sassy young woman who appears to be there to help Angel and
the gang settle into running the L.A. office.
Somehow the gang can't seem to shake the feeling of hidden agendas.
Eve seems to always be on hand when things take a turn for the worst,
and seems to have all the answers to the gang's problems.
Add Lindsey McDonald to the mix as Eve's new bedfellow and things
start to get even more interesting.

Cordelia Chase Bio

Cordelia Chase . Cordy ruled her high sclool with her acid  tongue and her wicked fashion sense ....Upon graduation her father was done for tax-evading and  was left pennieless ...She moved from Sunnydale to LA to look for fame and fortune as an  actor which never got off the ground ....Desperate for money she started to working for Angel and Doyle.. Doyle  hid the  Demon side of him from her ...Cordelia  became the heart of the team ...When Doyle died (saving mankind) he left her a gift in a kiss, the link to The Power That Be .....Later Cordy became pregnant by Conner (Angels son ) when she gave birth ( it was  the big bad of season 4 Jasmine) she lapsed into a coma from which she yet to emerge.............

Lindsey McDonald ..Lilah Morgan ... Attorney

Lindsey McDonald .. Attorney
Lindsey was at the top until Angel  sent his Vampire client Russell Winters ,by sending him out of the office window in day light..
Angel cut Lindsey right hand off in  a battle for the scrolls of Aberjian which was used to raise  Darla.. Who he fell in love with ...Later  after Lindsey got a transplant hand he ask Angel for his help in finding where it came from .....It became clear that Darla would never return his affections,,,,,,, Lindsey desided to leave Wolfram and Hart  and LA

Lilah Morgan  ... Attorney she work she work  way up as most of the members of Wolfman and Hart died when Darla and Dru killed them ..she one of two that came out alive..She carried on being thorn in Angel's side..She made the winning bid for Cordy eyes at the demons auction.... Lilah and Lindsey pay failth to try to kill Angel... She was behind Angel trying to kill his own child by feeding him Conner's own blood.....Later  Lillah was killed by one of Angel's gang and then was beheaded  by Wesley .......

Connor may be the one and only child ever born of a vampire, but he's pretty much your normal baby - keen on gurgling, milk and wetting himself. Oh, and Angel's vampire face the only way angel could stop Conner crying ...Holtz (vampire hunter ) decided to steal Conner and plunge into a hell dimension ..Conner was raised by Holtz and called him Stephen.Just a week went pass for Angel and Conner  came back as a young man.... After Holtz died ....Conner blamed Angel for his death ...Conner and Justine  take Angel out in a boat and send him to a watery grave ..Conner and Cordy  had a  night of passion .... Cordy gave birth to Jasmin a goddess from another dimension .......