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Ive been a Buffy and Angel fan from the start....and a big fan of Joss himself ,,, Ive met him 2 or 3 times he a great men and easy to talk too ,,,, Im marry with two children  .... i live in Devon in England ....Most people know me as fang ........This is a fan site for both Buffy and Angel ...

Buffy The Vampire Slayer


"Into each generation a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the strength and skill to fight the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers.

 In 1997, Vampire Slayer Buffy Summers moved to Sunnydale with her mother Joyce to get her away from her previous school in LA after her parents divorced.

Under the guidance of a Watcher named Giles and her friends (Scooby gang) Willow, Xander, Anya, Tara, Spike and her sister Dawn, Buffy fights all evils..


Born in 18th century Galway, Angel spent his youth drinking, womanising and stealing from his rich father before Darla offered him eternal life  in 1753.
After terrorising most of Europe for over 150 years, siring Drusilla and really annoying a man called Holtz, Angel killed a gypsy girl and was cursed with a soul by her clan.
 Angel restricted himself to drinking pig's blood and nibbling the odd rat for the next 100 years before joining Buffy's fight against evil.
Buffy and Angel fell for each other and made love,which turned him into an evil killer ...Buffy banished him to Hell from which he returned very confused and naked.
Angel eventually decided to get out of Buffy's life, head for Los Angeles and continue his redemption there. Guided by the visions of half-demon, Doyle, Angel set out to "help the hopeless," ably assisted by former Sunnydale High cheerleader and aspiring actress Cordelia Chase.
Angel was plagued by the powerful demonic law firm Wolfram and Hart.Prophesised that he probably has a major part to play in an upcoming Apocalypse.Now Angel and the gang run Wolfram and Hart.

UK Conventions & Events

  • James Marsters Live (15 May 2004) - Guests: James Marsters, Ghost of the Robot

  • Starfury: Fusion (30 April - 2 May 2004) - Guests: Elizabeth Anne Allen, Clare Kramer, Nathan Fillion, Juliet Landau, Tom Lenk, James Leary, Sarah Hagan

  • SFX - The Event (4 - 6 June 2004) - Guests: Alexis Denisof

  • Starfury: Hyperion (11-13 June 2004) - Guests: To Be Announced...

  • Hush-Convention-Scotland ( 8th - 10th October 2004) - Guests: Announced Tony Head -Giles Iyari Limon -Kennedy, Tom Lenk-Andrew, Adam Busch-Warren, Danny Strong-Jonathan and Julie Caitlin Brown-Na'toth Babylon 5
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